
Find out more about our sustainability journey
Cassava’s PURPOSE, PLAN, PROGRESS approach to a more sustainable future

Cassava’s business, sustainability and climate change strategies will enable the Group to deliver on our PURPOSE to provide technology solutions that transform the lives of consumers and enable enterprises to better serve their customers while at the same time benefitting the Group, its equity partners, communities and the environment. Cassava’s new sustainability strategy provides the Group with a working PLAN to improve our sustainability performance, data and policies as we further PROGRESS the integration of sustainability into our business practices.

Leadership on Sustainability


Our purpose centres on enabling economic prosperity by providing inclusive technology solutions across Africa. Our vision of a digitally connected future, that leaves no African behind, is premised on our belief in the power of ICT to solve Africa’s problems and substantively shift economic prospects. In pursuit of our vision, we are building a global technology company of African heritage, employing technology and talent to positively transform the lives of individuals and businesses across our continent.. Read more >>

Our Sustainability Strategy


Our new sustainability strategy will provide the Group with a working PLAN to improve our sustainability performance, as we further PROGRESS the integration of sustainability into our business practices. Working together our business, sustainability and climate change strategies will enable the Group to deliver on our PURPOSE to provide technology solutions that transform the lives of consumers while at the same time benefitting our employees, equity partners, communities and the environment.

Latest ESG / Sustainability News

Liquid Kenya and Epson Partnership

Liquid Kenya and Epson Partnership enhances digital learning

Last year Liquid Kenya, as part of Corporate Social Investment (CSI), launched a partnership with Epson to support schools by providing essential and sustainable teaching technology equipment. Through this initiative, Liquid Kenya and its CSI partner, Epson, have donated 100 printers, 20 visualisers and 20 projectors to 65 schools, impacting over 30,000 students. These critically needed products offer energy-efficient, durable solutions, perfectly suited for educational environments, significantly enhancing the learning experience for these students. Epson was chosen for its commitment to innovation and sustainability. This collaboration reflects our mutual goal of leveraging technology to enrich education, demonstrating the potential of technology to transform people’s lives on the African continent. The rollout has been met with enthusiastic feedback from teachers and students. The video below showcases such enthusiasm at Waithaka Special School, where Liquid’s connectivity and Epson’s equipment have transformed the learning environment, providing students with much-needed educational opportunities. By using technology to enhance educational

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

The UN SDGs address the most pressing challenges facing humanity, and encourage  organisations to demonstrate responsible choices and sustainable business practices that contribute to ending poverty, protecting the planet, and ensuring that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

Going forward, we will refine our reporting against the UN SDGs in line with the 4 sustainability pillars. As a first step, our most material matters have been linked to the UN SDGs as shown below. For more information on Cassava’s contribution to our most relevant SDGs, click on the respective icon below or refer to page 57 of the 2024 Sustainability Report.

Group and Subsidiaries’ Sustainability Reports

2024 Business Unit Sustainability Reports

Africa Data Centre
Carbon Footprint Report
UK Carbon Footprint Report
Africa Data Centre
Sustainability Report
Carbon Footprint Report
Africa Data Centre
UK GHG Report

Decent work and economic growth


Target 8.2. Achieve economic productivity through technological upgrading and innovation.

Target 8.3. Promote policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and SME development.

Target 8.4. Improve resource efficiency in consumption and production and endeavour to decouple economic growth from environmental degradation.

Target 8.5. Achieve productive employment and decent work for all (women, men, young people and persons with disabilities) with equal pay for work of equal value.

Target 8.6. Substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training.

Target 8.8. Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers.


8.2, 8.3 and 8.6: We contribute to economic productivity and
growth and job creation through:

  • Operating a sustainable business with a good corporate
  • Responsibly managing our cash flows and securing funding to support our growth.
  • Our customer-centric approach and innovation, providing products and services that are accessible, affordable and relevant.
  • The very nature of our business, which supports the growth of digital economies and innovation across all industries.
  • Our B-BBEE initiatives in South Africa which address
    economic inclusion, including support for SMEs, job creation and youth development.

: We implement initiatives that support the sustainable use
of resources (especially for energy and water).

8.5 and 8.8: Our Code of Conduct, values, governance structures, policies and business partner requirements promote:

  • Decent work and compliance with appropriate labour
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Care for the health, safety and wellbeing of our employees and business partners.
  • Training and development that supports career growth and enhances employee skills and knowledge, enhancing their future employability.
  • Equal access to growth opportunities and equal and fair
    reward based on employee performance. We provide market related rewards.

Industry, innovation and infrastructure


Target 9.1. Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure to support economic development and human wellbeing with a focus on affordable and equitable access.

Target 9.4. Upgrade infrastructure and industries to make them sustainable with increased resource-use efficiency and greater adoption of clean and environmentally sound technologies.

Target 9.5. Upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors and encourage innovation.


9.1 and 9.5: Our access to capital allows us to invest in growth projects and innovation to meet market demand, in turn supporting economic development and fostering innovation in the ICT sector. In addition, we promote affordable connection to the internet, driving digital inclusion for formal and informal businesses and households in urban and rural areas.

Sasai Fintech provides affordable access to financial services.

9.4: We adhere to industry best practices and standards to provide resilient, reliable and secure digital infrastructure, products and services, encompassing:

  • Protecting against operational disruptions from potential disasters and threats, including data losses and system breaches from criminal activity.
  • Safeguarding our infrastructure against potential climate change risks and natural disasters.

: Our planned upgrades include the replacement of infrastructure that is power-intensive with renewable energy alternatives and technology that uses energy and water resources more efficiently. When selecting our business partners, we consider how they manage their environmental impact.


Sustainable cities and communities


Target 11.3. Enhance inclusive and sustainable urbanisation.

Target 11.4. Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.

Target 11.6. Reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities.


11.3: Our digital infrastructure and accessible and affordable products and services support inclusive and sustainable urban development, including digital and financial inclusion.

11.4: The preservation of cultural heritage and the natural environment are key criteria when acquiring land and constructing infrastructure.

11.6: DPA provides businesses and individuals with access to affordable solar energy through a zero-start-up cost model.


Peace, justice and strong institutions


Target 16.3. Promote the rule of law.

Target 16.5. Substantially reduce corruption and bribery.

Target 16.6. Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions.

Target 16.7. Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels.

Target 16.10. Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms.


16.3 and 16.5: Our Code of Conduct, values, governance structures and policies ensure that we employ transparent and ethical business practices, and comply with all applicable laws and regulations across our jurisdictions. Compliance monitoring extends to our business partners.

16.6: The digital products and services we provide support the effectiveness, resilience, accountability and transparency of other institutions and protects their data and intellectual property.

16.7: Talent management is conducted with fairness and transparency, ensuring that our leadership team is representative of the societies in which we operate.

16.10: Our affordable solutions support access to information, improving lives that can help to reduce poverty and upholding freedom of speech. In addition, the new Group sustainability strategy will enhance the accuracy and completeness of our own publicly available sustainability information.


Partnerships for the Goals


Target 17.8. Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology.

Target 17.14. Enhance policy coherence for sustainable development.

Target 17.16. Enhance multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilise and share knowledge, expertise, technology and financial resources to support the
achievement of the UN SDGs.

Target 17.17. Encourage and promote effective partnerships.

Target 17.18. Enhance capacity-building support to increase the availability of high-quality, timely and reliable data relevant in national contexts.


17.8, 17.16, 17.17 and 17.18: We operate as an accountable and transparent organisation; essential for effective partnerships that promote improved and
inclusive ICT:

  • Collaboration with governments and other stakeholders to tackle socioeconomic and environmental challenges and promote the health, safety and wellbeing of
  • Working with equity partners to address any compliance challenges that may impede our access to funding.
  • Collaboration with business partners and regulators to enhance cyber security, protect data and enhance the resilience and security of our infrastructure.
  • Collaboration with business partners to ensure our adherence to our chosen ISO standards.

We engage with regulators on the development of national policy.

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