Microsoft Exchange Online

Your business-grade email solution

Modernise your email with Microsoft Exchange Online

Microsoft Exchange Online is a fully hosted enterprise-grade email service offering ample mailbox space and online calendaring capabilities. Your emails are hosted on Microsoft’s popular Exchange Server which enables multi-device synchronisation, ensuring you always have access to your emails, calendar and contacts – from anywhere.

Bigger inbox: Exchange Online offers ample inbox space, dedicated per user account, making it ideal for your growing business.

Built-in email security: Our email solution comes standard with built-in anti-spam and anti-malware filtering capabilities – protecting your business-critical information, always.

The smart inbox: Get access to a more personalised inbox with helpful features and a smarter, more organised way to view and interact with email.

Always on and up-to-date: As ours is a cloud-based email solution your business is not impacted by what happens in the physical world. This also means you are always using the latest software version – so there is no need to plan for long updates as everything happens seamlessly.

Multi-device sync: Microsoft Exchange provides an easy and consistent experience across devices and is optimised for small screens – so you can get more done on the go.

Microsoft Exchange can be used as a standalone, business-grade email solution or integrated with Microsoft Office 365 productivity tools to create a truly collaborative work environment.

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